Tuesday, April 29, 2008

National Teach Children to Save Day

Courtesy of: Feed The Pig

National Teach Children to Save Day

Today is National "Teach Children to Save" Day, sponsored by the
American Banking Association. It is never too early to start teaching
your children about money and the importance of saving.

Begin by giving your young child a small weekly allowance and
explaining the concepts of saving, spending, and giving. Providing a monthly allowance to an older child is one way to teach budgeting
and money management.

Monday, April 7, 2008

National Car Care Month

Courtesy of FeedThePig.org

Here are some quick tips that will save you a lot of money!!!

In addition to being National Financial Literacy month, April is also National Car Care Month. Simple, at-home maintenance will save you money in the long run. With gas prices at record highs, every little bit counts. Consider these two tips that may improve your gas mileage and save you money!

1) Check your tire pressure.
Most recommendations range from 27 to 32 psi; check your owner's manual to find out what is best for your car.

2) Check your air filters.

Replacing a clogged air filter may improve your gas mileage by as much as 10 percent.